Missing person found by drone after only 2 hours of searching!
The Croatian Mountain Rescue Service, as one of the important operational resources, owns over 60 unmanned aerial vehicles operated by 40 licensed pilots of unmanned systems. By continuously educating pilots and introducing new technologies, great rescuers' expertise is achieved, and searches more often result in a better outcome.
|HGSS Slavonski Brod station
Yesterday, in the afternoon, the SAR line of the HGSS of the Slavonski Brod Station received a report of a missing person in Davor.
Rescuers from the Slavonski Brod station, including the search team, immediately went to the scene. The drone pilots of the Požega station and the search teams of the Orahovica and Osijek stations are joining the search.
A large number of locals joined the search operation in order to find the missing person as soon as possible.
At 9:30 pm, two pilots from the Požega station joined the search with a drone equipped with a thermal imaging camera. Through hard work and analysis of photo and video material from the entire area, the missing person was found alive at 11:45 pm 2.2 km from the last point of view.
The Croatian Mountain Rescue Service, as one of the important operational resources, owns over 60 unmanned aerial vehicles operated by 40 licensed pilots of unmanned systems. By continuously educating pilots and introducing new technologies, great rescuers’ expertise is achieved, and searches more often result in a better outcome.
Today, technology is an indispensable factor in all spheres of life, so a few years ago the HGSS, through the Department of Unmanned Systems, began to use all available technology to raise its level of knowledge.
“The Department of Unmanned Systems provides great support to searches and is an extremely valuable resource in all search and rescue operations. This search, like all others, is an indicator of the exceptional work of well-educated rescuers who had over 3,500 hours of training flights in the last calendar year alone. HGSS Požega station, in cooperation with the Department of Unmanned Systems, last year developed the concept of command vehicles for unmanned systems that allows pilots to work continuously and smoothly with a complete analysis of all data to make flight operations as efficient as possible. This concept of the vehicle was realized and with the help of donors saw the light of day. This command vehicle, yesterday it took part in a search operation, proved and justified its existence. The HGSS Unmanned Systems Department, in addition to search operations, is also developing rescue operations technologies to ensure that unmanned systems are 100% applicable to all HGSS activities. ” – Filip Biočić – Head of the Department of Unmanned Systems.
We would like to thank the Croatian Air Navigation Services, which is an exceptional partner in such SAR operations, and contributes to the provision of airspace in the SAR area.
19.08. 2024. godine u 20,18 sati zaprimljen je poziv od člana obitelji da je na širem području naselja Bektež i Gradište (područje Grada Kutjeva) nestala starija ženska osoba. Ista se udaljila u dopodnevnim satima od svoje kuće u Bektežu te se do večeri nije vratila.